Swinburne Design Collective

The Swinburne Design Collective brings together students from all creative disciplines. Our 3 focus areas are: Creating fun social events; Skills development workshops and providing fundamental design skills; and connecting our members with industry.

Swinburne Design Collective is a great network for all creative students at Swinburne to meet other like minded students and grow their network while at uni. We aim to bring together Swinburne students and staff from all areas of design. We organise social activities, skills workshops and opportunities to work with Swinburne Staff and Students as well as get in touch with leading industry professionals. Some of our events include our regular Drink and Draws at the Hawthorn Hotel, free pizza get togethers, Adobe software workshops, design competitions, trivia nights, industry nights and much more! We have close connections with the School of Design who help us create specific events that will develop your skills and fuel your interests in designerly pursuits. Come along to our events to meet new people, learn new skills and have loads of fun with other designers! [View our Semester 1 Calendar!][6] E: [mail@swindesigncollective.com][1] W: [www.swindesigncollective.com][2] FB: [facebook.com/sdc.swin][3] FB Group: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/798219160262721/][4] IG: [instagram.com/sdc_swin/][5] [1]: mailto:mail@swindesigncollective.com [2]: http://www.swindesigncollective.com [3]: https://www.facebook.com/sdc.swin [4]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/798219160262721/ [5]: http://instagram.com/sdc_swin/ [6]: http://swindesigncollective.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Sem-1-Calendar.pdf
